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Kindergarten Policies 

Canossa Kindergarten policies and procedures reflect current best practice, recommended guidelines and the requirements of the Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations.


Our policies and procedures are developed and reviewed through a consultative process with input from families, educators and relevant agencies including government departments.


Families are encouraged to approach the Kindergarten Director if they have a policy question via email [].

Cleaning Policy

Photo & Video Recording Policy


Administration of Medication


Death of a Child

Delivery and Collection of Children

Educator Professionalism and Ethics

Environmental Sustainability

Excursions and Incursions

Fire Evacuation Plan

Grievances and Complaints


Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness

Interactions with Families

Medical Conditions

Policy and Procedure Review

Relationships with Children


Students, Volunteers and Visitors



Acceptance and Refusal of Authorisations

Child Protection and Risk Management

Child Safe Environments


Dangerous Products, Plants, Vermin and Objects

Dental Health

Educational Program

Enrolment and Orientation

Evacuation and Lockdown

Food Preparation, Storage and Handling

Governance and Management


Immunisation for Children and Staff


Managing Infectious Diseases

Nutrition, Food and Beverages - Parent Provided

Privacy and Confidentiality

Sleep and Rest

Social Media

Sun Protection 

Tobacco, Drug and Alcohol

Water Safety

Workplace Health and Safety


Canossa Kindergarten

86 Milsom St, Coorparoo

07 3843 3155

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