Canossa Kindergarten
Green Room
What to pack?
Backpack - we recommend a regular size backpack that will be large enough for all your child's belongings.
Water - please pack a good quality, medium sized, LEAK PROOF water bottle that your child can open & close independently.
Morning tea & lunch - please try to reduce single use plastic & waste.
Extra set of clothing - this should be packed in a sealed zip lock bag (to keep it dry if water was to spill) with their name on it. Even if your child is fully toilet trained, accidents do happen. There are also water tables & other messy opportunities for your child in their classroom, so this is not just for bathroom accidents.
Indoor pair of shoes - be sure to label all footwear and clothing that gets sent to Kindy, with their name on each shoe!
No du
The rule of thumb is if you want to see it returned home... be sure to label it!